Letter from the Principal
A word from Mr David Coleman
I can tell you that the overwhelming care, love and support from both within and beyond helped us all immensely and we are very grateful for all our staff, students, families and local community
As we draw near to the end of Term 3, we all recognise that it has been a difficult time for our entire community with the sudden passing at the start of the term of our dear friend and colleague, Mr Tim Hillier. I can tell you that the overwhelming care, love and support from both within and beyond helped us all immensely and we are very grateful for all our staff, students, families and local community. We have decided to create a lasting legacy to Mr Hillier through the Tim Hillier Cup, which will become an annual Primary event. We will provide more information on this later as a way of remembering and honouring a very fine teacher and strong proponent of school sport.
Term 3 is a very hectic term for us here at the College with many different events. The big one for us has been the musical and what an event it was! This Broadway-worthy production was highly professional and I am grateful for the commitment and work of Mrs Allan, Mrs Donnelly, Mrs Forbes and their colleagues who went above and beyond to provide an entertaining experience for all. The students devoted considerable time to rehearse and they should be very proud of their outstanding performances – well done! Enjoy your well-deserved rest everyone!
Another significant project taking place behind the scenes is the development of our new five-year Strategic Plan which has several exciting initiatives. One incredibly important strategy is to secure a reliable supply of teachers for our College as Australia is experiencing a critical teacher shortage – many teachers are planning on leaving the profession and the number of students studying teaching is falling which is a considerable concern – it’s a hard job. We are already taking steps to address this crisis. For example, we have several teacher aides now studying teacher education. Another exciting strategy will be the implementation of a comprehensive student service-learning program. As a Christian school, we see the concept of serving others as an important character quality to instill in students, one that they can take into the wider world. When people contribute to society, we all benefit. In the Strategic Plan, we will also look at ways of improving teaching and learning and already we have implemented a teacher-mentoring program, based on the University of Newcastle’s Quality Teaching Rounds. Finally, we will continue to upgrade existing buildings and undertake the construction of new ones to cater for continued growth.
Concerning our proposed Forster Campus, we can tell you that our development application on the current site was unfortunately declined after a very lengthy process with Council. We have, therefore, made the decision to investigate other alternative sites that can accommodate more students, and hopefully one day be a full K-12 Campus, which would not have been possible on the current site. We are now in negotiations regarding this.
Finally, I wish our Year 12 students all the best for their final days of school and hope they have much success in their upcoming HSC exams. I’m looking forward as always to the Formal.
May the God of all creation bless you and your family.

Letter from the Deputy Principal
A word from Mr Jason Reed
Leadership and Service
We have recently undertaken our leadership process to elect our eight Prefects for Year 12. This includes our 2025 College Captains and Vice Captains. It is with great pleasure I introduce our College community to our Year 12 leaders for 2025:
Captains: Henry Mortlock and Chelsea Davies
Vice-captains: Sebastian Vergara and Casey Sage
Prefects: Lily Harrison, Ihsan Iqbal, Esther Petriciaa, Elizabeth Archinal
I would also like to take this opportunity to commend our outgoing Year 12 Prefect team on the outstanding job they did leading our SRC and College community over the past 12 months. In particular, I would like to congratulate them on raising well over $10000 this year to support charities, cancer research and our overseas sponsor children. We wish our Year 12 Prefects and all our wonderful Year 12 students the very best for their Graduation, their HSC and life beyond MCCC. We will miss them all very much. Please pray for them!
Positive Partnerships Between Home and School
At MCCC we always emphasise the importance of partnering with you, our families, in the raising and educating of your children. This positive partnership is very important to us. We cannot ever underestimate the role of the family in the education of our students. Research indicates that positive parent/carer engagement in your child’s education can provide months of additional progress over the course of a single year. We greatly appreciate the positive partnerships that exist between home and school here at MCCC. We encourage you to continue coming to College events, showing an interest in what your child is learning, maintaining contact with your child’s teachers, coming to parent/teacher evenings and speaking positively with your children about school and the value of quality education. When issues arise, it is always best to let us know early so we can work together to achieve a quick and positive resolution, as we love seeing students come and leave each day with a smile on their faces.
Every Day Matters
We have been communicating recently about the importance of students attending school every day, because we know that high attendance rates lead to improved student outcomes. Again, let’s continue partnering together to ensure your children, our students, are gaining the most out of their education.

Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
There’s lots happening at MCCC!
Date | Event |
Friday 20 September | Primary Musical Night |
Saturday 21 September | Primary Musical Finale |
Wednesday 25 September | Year 12 Graduation |
Thursday 26 September | Year 12 Formal |
Last day of Term 3 for Pre-K | |
Friday 27 September | Last day of Term 3 for Kindergarten to Year 12 |
Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October | School holidays |
Monday 14 October | Term 4 commences. First day back for Pre-K to Year 12 |
Tuesday 15 October | HSC Commences |
Wednesday 16 October | Primary HCZS Zone Basketball Gala in Newcastle |
Tuesday 22 October | Primary parent-teacher interviews |
Thursday 24 October | Years 7 and 10 catch-up vaccination day |
Letter from the Head of Secondary
A Word from Wayne Green
Our Secondary students, particularly the seniors, have been actively engaging in their assessments. Recently, Year 11 students completed their examination period, while our Practical HSC students had their major works evaluated by HSC markers. This follows our impressive Senior Showcase performances. Congratulations to everyone involved, and we wish our HSC students success in their upcoming exams and bright futures ahead.
We’re excited to expand the Elevate Program, which aims to enhance study skills and knowledge for all year groups. Parents will be sent links to invite you to participate in learning more about how you can support your child in their learning. It was wonderful to connect with some fathers at our recent Father’s Day breakfast and to celebrate NAIDOC Day with the whole school community. Our students continue to be blessed with gifts in music, dance, sport, and friendship. Notably, our students achieved outstanding results in the Zone and State Athletics Carnivals, marking one of our best performances in the school’s 39-year history. A special thanks to Mrs. Jen Wyllie for coaching our team.
One of the highlights of my teaching career has been coaching and refereeing rugby. Teaching extends beyond delivering subject knowledge; it involves nurturing students’ growth. I have seen significant progress when coaching students in sports, such as rugby, especially when they are truly passionate about it. Although maintaining fitness and facing physical challenges on the field can be tough, it is rewarding to see the respect and teamwork among students.
Recently, Mr. Jones, Mr. du Preez, and Mr. Reed have been coaching boys in Years 7-12. The boys have shown commitment, respect, and gratitude for the opportunity to play. A standout moment was when an experienced player instructed against hitting a less experienced teammate during a game, demonstrating exceptional leadership and respect. This moment of sportsmanship was a testament to the positive impact of rugby and a source of pride for me as an educator.

Supporting our Teachers
At MCCC, our teachers never stop learning!
They use Quality Teaching Rounds, an initiative from the University of Newcastle, to strengthen professional learning. We seek to build a flourishing learning culture among our students by developing inspired and connected teachers.
Read more about the initiative here
Letter from the Head of Primary
A Word from Rob Storrie
At MCCC we strive to educate and grow the whole child. We have long established the CHRIST values of Compassion, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Self-control and Trustworthiness. We use these values as discussion points as we look to develop the character of each student here. A couple of years ago, our College released our GROWTH Mindsets. Our desire is to develop lifelong learners through developing the following habits and mindsets: Grit, Responsibility, Organisation, Wisdom, Teamwork and High Standards.
Sometimes life can be very challenging and hard. This term at MCCC has definitely been difficult due to the passing of a much-loved teacher and colleague. However, in the sadness, I have witnessed amazing compassion from our community, humility from staff as they picked up extra tasks to carry the load for others, respect from our families, integrity from staff and students and a great deal of self-control. It has been encouraging to see these CHRIST values demonstrated on such a large scale, right down to the individual student.
Our first mindset is GRIT. The definition of Grit is courage and resolve; strength of character. One thing that really struck me as I watched the students grieve and process the sudden loss, was their resilience to such challenges. It encouraged me! The staff and students demonstrated a strength of character and courage: a real blessing to see in action.
I do not want to dwell on sadness, but want to acknowledge the whole community for banding together in the tough times. I wanted to acknowledge the students for their respect and grit. I wanted to acknowledge the staff for their love and resolve and most importantly, I want to acknowledge and thank our good God for always being faithful, always loving and always in control. I am confident that it was in HIS strength and grace that the staff have been able to continue teaching and caring for our students and creating safe spaces for them.
So thank you for being a part of this community. Thank you for making it what it is.

Chaplaincy at MCCC
From Chappy
God is doing great things at MCCC
As the full-time chaplain at MCCC, I oversee the Bible instruction at the school as well as providing pastoral care where needed. It is a privilege to share God’s Word everyday with the students in Biblical Studies, chapel services, lunch time groups and morning devotions.
Here at MCCC we teach Biblical Studies to all year groups. Kindergarten to Year 4 are taught by their class teachers or Mr Lawson. From Year 5 – 12 they are taught by either myself, Miss Young, Mr Hamilton or Mr Dawson. In Secondary this year we have looked at Christian Doctrine in Semester One and in Semester Two we have been looking at the Gospel of John.
One of the highlights of the week for most students is Chapel. This is where students come together and we sing, read, and teach the Bible. Students often have a lot of fun, as well as growing in their understanding of God and His plan to save us through Jesus. We have three different chapel services; Infants and primary, which is every Tuesday, and High school which is every second Friday.
We have several lunch time groups that happen during each week. On a Monday we have a boys’ and girls’ prayer group which are both growing in number and faith. A big thank you goes to to Mr Dawson and Miss Young who are involved in these groups. On Wednesday, we have a Bible reading group, which keeps getting bigger, and God is helping those who attend grow in their knowledge of His Word. There is also a fortnightly girls’ group that meets every week and is led by some of our senior students.
God is doing great things at MCCC, and students are coming to faith. Just last week a student came to me and wanted help to become a Christian. I have given out over fifty Bibles this year and I have lost count of how many youth devotions I have handed out.
God is Good!

Students Shine in Seussical Jr ™
“It’s possible… Anything’s possible”
Thunderous applause echoed throughout the building as the talented students sang their final song of Seussical Jr. TM A cast of over fifty students dedicated months of their own time to rehearse vigorously, in order to entertain hundreds during the first weekend of their musical production. Audience members were transported to the world of Dr. Seuss as The Cat in the Hat guided them into The Jungle of Nool where Horton, the kind-hearted elephant discovers, then protects, a speck of dust containing a miniature town called Whoville.
Now is the time to book tickets to the final two performances on Friday and Saturday evening.
“I enjoy Seussical because it lets me be myself even though I’m acting as someone else. Quite ironic,” stated Oli Storrie who shines as the lead character of Horton the Elephant.
“I like Seussical because it is like making a new family and I love singing and dancing,” explained Summer Blair who is one of the Bird Girls.
Primary school teachers Mrs Lisa Donnelly and Mrs Naomi Allan have been a powerful duo as they co-directed the show. Lisa is also the choreographer and Naomi the musical director, inspiring the talented cast.
Freya Elliott in her role as JoJo sings, “It’s possible, anything’s possible,” as fish swim through the room while she’s having a bath. It has been evident to the musical team that God has been ever-present and gracious in equipping them with the strength, energy and passion to accomplish this production in the timeframe planned. God has made this possible and we are so thankful to Him.
“All the teachers have put in lots of effort and work and that is why I am acknowledging them. The crew were ready to make the show shine! And I just love the costumes,” explained Eloise S.
Staff from both the primary and secondary school helped contribute to making the quality costumes that enhance the performance, while admin staff and parents joined the cause by being on the hair or makeup team.
“I like being in the musical because you get to make many different friends in different classes. I also love getting costumes, make up and cool hair,” stated Ella Johnston who played a Jungle Citizen.
“The thing I love about Seussical Jr. is the chance to experience the stage. I think we should all experience the stage because it’s a good feeling when everyone claps for you. I also love how hard we get to work and practise and just show it to everyone! Encouraging people is great as well,” explained Eloise Donnelly who is eager for a full audience to appreciate the months of hard work the cast contributed in order to create this production.
Cast and crew consists of students from years 4-7. They worked well as a team and built friendships through their lunchtime and full-day rehearsals throughout the year.
“What I love about Seussical Jr. is that you can collaborate with other people while also having lots of fun with your friends,” stated Nathan Hatcher who plays Mr Mayor, the mayor of Whoville.
“The thing that I love about Seussical is being on stage and entertaining people and I also love encouraging people to try their best on stage! I love having something to look forward to and try my best,” explained Talitha Smith who plays the flamboyant Mayzie La Bird.
Many students from Mitchells Island Public, Taree Public and Medowie Christian School were inspired when they had a sneak peak at the dress rehearsal and residents from Estia enjoyed a high tea before being entertained by the talented performers.
Thank you to all our families and community members for their encouragement and support. Producing Seussical Jr. TM has been a challenging and rewarding experience.
The final two performances are 6pm on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September at Taree Baptist Church.
Come and enjoy this musical that is perfect for the whole family. Tickets are available here
Career News
2024 Work Experience: A Journey of Discovery
Year 10 is an exciting time for our students as they embark on their work experience journey. This invaluable part of their career education allows them to explore potential career paths firsthand. By arranging their own placements, students not only gain insights into various professions but also build essential skills in confidence, communication, and organisation.
This year, our Year 10 students thrived in a diverse range of workplaces, from cutting-edge robotics labs to adventurous horse-riding camps. Some even ventured interstate for their placements! Through these experiences, many students were able to refine their career aspirations, even ruling out certain paths, which is a crucial part of their learning journey.
A big thank you to all the businesses that generously hosted our students.
If your workplace is interested in hosting a work experience student, we would love to hear from you!

Tania Thompson Kick Start Scholarship 2024
Thompson Supports Myall Lakes Students with $5000 Kick Start Scholarships
Tanya Thompson, Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, is proud to announce the launch of her “Kick Start Scholarship 2024.” The scholarship aims to recognise and support not only academic or sporting excellence but also a determination to excel beyond the confines of a classroom. It reflects Mrs Thompson’s commitment to encouraging potential and ambition among high school students in the Myall Lakes electorate.
Mrs Thompson said she understands the challenges faced by families in providing quality education.
“Having come from a family that worked tirelessly to put three children through school, and now as a parent who has raised five daughters, I understand the financial strain that educational pursuits can place upon families,” she said.
“This scholarship is not just about financial assistance; it’s about opportunity. It’s a chance for a deserving student to embark on their educational journey with an added advantage, a head start towards a brighter future.”
The Tanya Thompson Kick Start Scholarship is open to students residing within the Myall Lakes electorate. Applicants must be enrolled in Years 9, 10, or 11 in 2024. The scholarship winner and runners-up will be chosen on the basis of academic or sporting excellence, determination, application responses, and letters of recommendation.
Scholarship Benefits:
The scholarship winner will receive a comprehensive package worth $5000 including:
- $500 Dymocks voucher
- $1500 Officeworks voucher
- An all-expenses-paid day trip to NSW Parliament House for an MP brunch, including return flights for the recipient and one parent or guardian valued at $1000
- A contribution to TAFE or school fees and excursions for the following year valued at $1000
- $200 Saltwater Wine voucher for school equipment
- $300 Manning Shoes voucher for school shoes
- $500 school uniform voucher
Additionally, five scholarship runners-up will each receive a $250 Officeworks voucher.
Applicants are required to complete the official application form. If you would like a copy of the application form, please email allie.smith@mccc.nsw.edu.au
Applications open at 9 am next Monday, September 11, and close at 5:00 pm on Friday, November 17.
Successful scholarship recipients will be announced on December 8.

Book Week 2024
Reading is Awesome
Our Primary School staff and students celebrated Book Week by dressing as their favourite book characters. The Book Week parade was buzzing with fun, music and some hilarious dancing from our teachers, and students enjoyed literacy activities highlighting how awesome reading is.
In anticipation of our upcoming musical, teachers and admin staff dressed as Dr. Seuss characters. We didn’t have Things 1 and 2; we had Things 1 to 30!
Secondary CSA Athletics
Fantastic Results at NSW Christian Schools Athletics Carnival
24 students travelled down to Sydney to compete at the NSW Christian Schools Athletics Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park.
Some of the top results are listed below, but I also know many broke their PBs and all represented our College exceptionally well!
9 Students qualified for CIS on the 24th of Sept.
Lillian Bennett – 3rd in 800m, 1st in 1500m and broke the CSSA record
Katie Loretan, Ivy Hoadley, Grayce Haynes, Madeline Todd – 4th in 4×100 Girls relay, beating the national champion
Cherry Burke – 4th in 400m
Charlie Coombe – 1st in Javelin, 2nd in 1500m and 4th in 800m
Thomas Coombe – 2nd in 1500m
Amiah De Wright – 1st in high jump
Ivy Hoadley – 2nd in javelin, 2nd in discus and 1st in shot put
Nick Horsburgh – 3rd in 100m, 3rd in 200m, 2nd in 400m and 4th in Shot put
Jesse Glassop – 1st in discus
Lilly Van Der Kaaden – 4th in discus and Shot put
A special thank you to Louise Horsburgh, Jenny Wylie, attending parents and Nev Tyler for either driving the students down and/or supporting them so well on the day!
It’s a huge day!
Senior Showcase
Our talented Secondary students show their work
The Senior Showcase is a highlight in the Secondary school calendar and showcases the talent and creativity of MidCoast Christian College students.
It is an event where the HSC students of Creative Arts and Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) present work from the practical component of their courses, in a formal concert and gallery style environment.
Students from the Senior Hospitality classes catered the evening serving canapés and hors d’oeuvres.